Monday, 31 August 2015


TODAY IS THE FIRST OF SEPTEMBER The first of the month is pay day. ( now we get salary on 31st). We used to be happy . My salary was 120 rupees. Cost of living was low. An average family could live on this amount and save money. Shortly afterwards , the pay scales were revised and this went on every ten years . Now all are looking forward to the next revision in 2016 . Now my pension is above 30,000 . Almost the whole money is spent by the end of the month. This is inflation. Government servants get Dearness Allowance , which is revised every six months. At the end of the year , we get Bonus. What about common people living on agriculture or unorganized labour like construction workers? They are squeezed by inflation . Most of them are in debt . Money lenders are becoming richer and richer. They extract interest @ fifty % per month , not per year. The Government ignores the woes of common people.

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