Thursday 27 August 2015


WE ARE ALWAYS WAITING FOR SOMETHING If our train is late , we cannot leave the station. So there is the waiting room. Same is the case at bus stops too. At the ration shop or the post office , we stand in the line , waiting for our turn AIn Bombay , there will be a very long line for each bus.; there will be a number of such lines . Aome people carry books which they read , to while away the time. Once you are inside the train or bus , you wait for the destination. Once our train was disabled because the driver found that the oil was mixed with water. We all waited till another engine arrived. One can go on narrating such experiences. There is another type of waiting. An expectant mother has to wait for nine long months . The worst type is for waiting for a job. Children wait for examination results , candidates wait for interview call . Poor patients suffering from terminal diseases and culprits sentenced for hanging wait for death, All life is a waiting game

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