Tuesday 18 August 2015


DELHI ROUTINE I am now almost resigned to the life in Delhi. My daughters insist that I must stay here and return to Kerala , only with my wife . At home , they are managing things . As the Onam vacation has begun , Vaikha is not a problem. The printer has not yet completed his work. Leena brought some English story book lying in her house and so I made a trial at Delhi u University. Some ten were sold in one hour . So the idea entered my head that , if I get it printed here , I can gainfully use my time. It would be ideal , if I can publish Hindi version of the book. But, where to find a translator? . I am writing both in English and Malayalam , so the flavor of the story is not lost in translation. These are my thoughts now . One great advantage here is connectivity. At home , the computer always says :you are not connected to the net. Here , in no time, I can open my blog. But , home is sweet. I miss the deeparadhana (arti) at 6’40 in the evening at Sastha temple , only a few minutes away from home .

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