Saturday, 3 January 2015


Yudhishtyr is a born gambler. Suyodhan took full advantage of his weakness and he lost his Kingdom and was forced to flee into the wilderness.

To satisfy Suyodhan’s demand for the throne, the country was divided and Yudhishtyr was given half the territory. There he built a magnificent palace, built by the famous architect Maya. To show off the splendor, the Kauravas (Suyodhan’s family) were invited for house warming ceremony.
On the way, they saw nothing. But they found themselves knee deep in water! At another place, seeing water, they drew their dress up. There was no water and all onlookers laughed. Among them Draupaty’s laugh was the loudest and Suyodhan was infuriated. He vowed revenge then and there.
During the games, Yudhishtyr was cheated by Shakuny; still, the games continued, Yudhishtyr pawning away all he had, including his brothers. Then he gave away Draupathy.
She was brought from the zanana and disrobed in the presence of all.
She pleaded for mercy: “Is it right Bhishmachary?
“ Dharma is complicated” was the reply. At least, he could have walked away from the hall
I am unable to say who is right. In the end, Gandhary, Suyodhan’s mother, came out and abused all men present there and saved the hapless Draupathy.
At last, Pandavas fled and Suyodhan ruled all territory
It was Karn who pulled away Draupathy’s dress. This act was heinous, no doubt.
I think it was because of his friendship only that Karn did it
After the period of exile was over, Yudhishtyr came and demanded his share of the territory which was flatly refused by Suyodhan. All efforts at mediation failed and war became inevitable.
It was just a family feud, but all the Kings of North India sided with one party or the other. Hence it was known as Mahabharath War. It is difficult to see how it can be a DHARMAYUDH. It is supposed to defeat Adharma and establish Dharma.
In any case, the war which lasted only eighteen days, saw complete devastation; something like the world, after a nuclear war! It is stunningly similar to the scene, after the bombardment of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The weapon is termed brahmasthr.
In the end, only widows and children were left.
Obviously, the author wanted to tell the world that war is no solution.

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