Wednesday, 21 January 2015


I dream of a beautiful wife, a flat in Marine drive and a car.
The reality is that I sleep among ten men, in a hall, with a single bath room; so I get up well before others and et ready. I have to dress like a gentleman, though I have no work. For a living, I type. The typewriter is hired and kept in the house, in front of which I do my work. One day the owner of the machine captured it, because, I had faulted in payment of his dues. I had sent money home, for urgent needs, when I got the letter from mother. The Lady, in whose house the machine was kept, took pity on me and I got the machine back, when she paid the amount to the owner.  This incident brought us together and I began thinking about the life of the women in the street. I explained to Madam:”You people think nothing about the future. If each one give me ten rupees daily, we shall deposit the money in the Bank daily. When needed by any one member, it may be withdrawn.  A management, with three members, must keep proper accounts etc.  Do you like the idea?”
The next day, all met and I explained the scheme to them. I paid ten rupees. One by one, all paid and I wrote it in a note book. A young girl among them, became the clerk; myself the secretary and Madame the President. The joint account in the SBI was in the name of myself and Madam. Soon the number of members increased and all were happy.
You[AP1]  give me your photo and bio-data. “ I complied and witin a week I was called for interview in a Finance Company. The manager asked:”What are you doing now?” I said that I am doing job typing. I also explained my scheme for sex workers. He was very much impressed:”We need people like you. By this time, you must have deposited lakhs of rupees.” He appointed me as Special Assistant. I returned and told Madam.  She said:”Where will you stay? I have a special room, where my customers have no access. You may stay there.
The young girl was very happy. By this time, the number of members increased considerably. The girl and myself used to sit in the night for hours, after my return from the Company every dy. One night she asked:”Will you marry me?” How can I refuse, merely because she is a sex worker? Are all house wives chaste ? I agreed and the next day, we told Madam.


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