Saturday, 31 January 2015


Sarala and I are of the same age. She is my cousin, from her mother’s side and we used to meet often whenever there is a feast. During vacation, she used to stay in my house, because of the river; we used to swim to the opposite bank, even after we became mature, causing criticism from elders.  But she never bothered.
After school, we decided to join the same college., which was near my house. She has her own car, so we used to come to my house often, though she stayed in ladies’ hostel. We both chose Botany as our subject.
One day I told her:”Saru, I have an idea; you may laugh, but I am serious. I want to have an elephant farm.”
She laughed :”Elephants? They are cumbersome; goat or cow would be better.” “What comparison? Don’t you like to see elephants?”
“Seeing from a distance is different. I am afraid to go near them” Then I explained the idea. “Elephants, both male and female, must be allowed to mingle freely, so that we may have kids. Do you not realize the potential? Only thing is they must get food and water. We must grow a bamboo forest. Water can be stored in a check dam in the canal, near our college.  The forest may extend to our west, where the paddy fields are lying fallow; to the eastern hills in the abandoned rubber plantation”
“Where do you get many cow elephants?” “The problem can be solved by importing them from Assam. Here your father can help. If we can convince him, he will invest money and reap the benefits.” She thought for some time, but said nothing. “The first thing is the bamboo forest. We will meet the Principal and seek permission for planting trees.” Thus we met Madam. She heard patiently and said:”We have no funds; I will consult the management and try to get permission; that is all I can do. No one will object tree plantation. Bamboo is a tree only.”
Then we went to the Agricultural University and procured saplings. With money coming from Sarala’s father, the bamboo forest became a reality. By the time we passed MSc. a big forest of trees , extending for kilometers, became a great attraction. During festival season, elephants were brought by mahouts and parked in the forest. The check dam was made by the Panchayath. Only cow elephants were absent.
 Sarala’s father retired from the Forest department. Now he is very much interested and he too came with us to Assam. We remained there for quite some time, as cow elephants were not captured from the forest. When we showed them the photos of the forest in the College and explained our project, they whole heartedly approved it and we came back, only after a train load of cow elephants were loaded

Sarala’s father commented ,”I never knew that Vinoj is so brilliant; now I have no hesitation, in giving my daughter to him”

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