Friday, 23 January 2015


Subhas Chandra Bose’s 118th birth day is today.
He is believed to have died in an air accident. Now the indomitable Subramanya Swamy has come forward with the theory that the great leader was killed, while in prison in Yakutsk, Siberai, according to an article in Mthrubhoomi daily. Swamy maintains that this fact was known to Nehru who remained mum, because of political repercussions, as Russia is our frind.
The theory is plausible, because Japan was Russia’s enemy in World War-2. Hitler killed lakhs of Russians and Stalin would not show any mercy towards Subhash, who was Hitler’s friend. But, least, his body could have been sent back to India for cremation.

Why did he leave India? He could have led underground war against the British, as Bhagath Singh did.

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