Thursday, 22 January 2015


Before the construction of the dam, It was a narrow river. When the survey for the dam  began, people living in the area became concerned. We met the Collector, who assured us that compensation will be given to all, in addition to alternative land.
We had more than two acres of land, with plenty of trees. All documents were copied and authenticated by Officers. WE are five in number, including wife, daughter, son going to school and an old mother. As work progressed and water began to rise during each monsoon, my fears about our future also rose. Where shall we get land? Will it be fertile? I sent my daughter to college, hoping to get her some job. Luckily she is bright in studies and has a pleasing personality.
The final day arrived and we packed all things in a lorry and left for Karwar, where an Atomic Power Plant was under construction. We established ourselves in a spot near the river, as there was no danger of flood here. By hard work, in which my wife too participated, we developed the land, for which there was no owner. A gentleman employed in the Project approached me with a request for accommodation. His name is Pushkar and seemed to be honest. My wife agreed and he became our paying guest. With his help, I began sending representation to the dam authorities, for compensation and alternative land. In due course, my daughter Seema graduated and came back . I requested Pushkar, to try for some job for her, in his Project.
“Uncle, all appointments are made from Bombay; we wil send bio-data there.” Through his efforts, she got a daily rated job of a messenger.  Thus, for the time being, we were happy.
A  letter came from the dam authorities. As I did not know English, Puskar came with me. Seema too wanted to see the old place, where she grew up, and we three journeyed to the dam sit. It took a long time and finally we reached there. During this travel the young people came very lose; I began to entertain hopes of a union of hearts.
We had to stay in a hotel. The place has been totally changed with big market and good hotels. The authorities examined all papers and finally gave  the necessary orders. I thanked all officers and we came back.
When we reached home, Seema’s orders came; she became LDC. It took a long time, to get the orders of the Dam Authorities executed. A number of times we met the Collector; in the end, they allotted us, a rocky desert as land.  Anyway, we assumed authority and necessary papers were registered. After the passage of time, we hoped to get good money.

Needless to say that Pushkar and Seema were married.

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