Saturday, 17 January 2015


The quiet flowing river of married life enters a difficult water fall, when  one partner fails.
The children are the worst casualty. If they are grown up, they are able to understand and judge My daughter, studying in the tenth standard, was asked by the Judge, whether she wanted to stay with her mother or father. She pointed to me, but I told the Judge:”Your Honour, she must grow up in her mothr’s custody. Being a girl, there are   things which onl a mother should handle. She can come to me any time, but in the night, she must sleep in her mother’s room”. The judge remarked:”See Madam, he is more sensible than you. Any time, you are free to annul this divorce.”

My daughter Deepthy used to come to me daily, on her way from the school, and I cleared her doubts, about the lessons of the day. I never asked her about my wife.
One day, she brought a lady teacher from her school and introduced her to me. She was middle aged, like me:”Glad to meet you, Madam, what can I do for you?”
“Your daughter used t speak about you and I just liked to meet you. I am alone with my mother. I am told that you do practice Ayurvedic medicine.”
“Just for tome pass; some patients have recovered. They may get well, without medicine also, we do not know.”
“That is your humility. My mother is having so many complaints; could you kindly come and see her? I shall take you in my car.” Deepthy had brought tea and snacks. “How old is your mother?”
“Seventy plus; most of the time, she sleeps in her bed.” “That is the problem. Even with the support of a stick, she must walk for an hour daily.”
Madam took me in her car and we reached a beautiful villa, some fifteen miles away. Deepthy had gone home. I first talked to the mother and came to the conclusion that her loneliness is the main problem. “I now know, how terrible loneliness can be. We used to quarrel daily, but that is better than being alone.”
After detailed check up, I prescribed some Ayurvedic tonics and oils for rubbing on the body. “Keep a home nurse; At least, it will give her company.”
While we were returning, I asked:”You didn’t tell me your name; Why do you remain alone?” “For the same reason as yours . My man went with his girl friend. You may call me Radhika.”
Deepthy told me her mother too, went to see Radhika’s mother.”Both are now good friends and walk together in the garden. The old woman has improved sufficiently. My mother has softened sufficiently. Papa, now she repents.”
That day my wife phoned me, for the first time.”Deepthy has matured; we must celebrate it. I am holding a feast this Sunday in my home. Will you kindle come?” “Oh, sure”
It was a grand affair. My father-in-law was very pleased. He embraced me and said in my ears:”My son, you must be magnanimous and pardon my daughter. Now she repents.”
My wife and daughter came running. Deepthy kissed my cheek; wife stood smiling. We saw a car and all looked, to see who has come It was Radhika. She told Deepthy:”This car is for you. Here is the key. This is from my mother.”
During that day, Radhika and myself sat together. My wife was looking jealously. In sheer beauty, she looked marvelous !

In another month, my wife sent out invitations for our twenty fifth wedding anniversary. Deepthy told  me:”Papa, forget the past; look forward to the future. I know Radhika Madam  will be upset. She actually loves you, I know. But my vote is in favour of my mother.”

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