Monday, 12 January 2015


Yesterday, we went to the famous Sreekrishna temple at Guruvayoor. My wife Radha, daughter-in-law Sreeja and her fifteen month old daughter Vaikha were with me. We started from Chathakudam, at seven in the morning and got down at Olloor railway station. The train for Guruvayoor was at 7.15. There was a long Que, as the computer was out of order and they were trying to make it functional. They told us to board the train, when it comes. The low platform made it difficult for women. We got in and found room to sit comfortably. After Trichur there was almost no stop, till Guruvayoor, where we landed at eight.

We walked slowly for some fifteen minutes before we reached the temple premises, deposited the foot wear and got a receipt which I handed over to Radha. We went in through the gate at the right side, towards the flag mast. I met the Manager and requested for special permission, as we were Senior citizens. I got it and we were inside, facing the deity. Each one got enough time to view the deity. All were happy As Radha may need more time to pray at different spots inside, I went out, promising to meet at the dining hall for Prasad oottu. I had my food there.
Then I could never locate them afterwards, though I remained at the place where we deposited chappals. I had just fifteen rupees in my pocket. The purse was with my wife. None had mobile phones.
At twelve noon, I walked barefoot . It was too hot, as though I was walking over burning cinder. So I started running. At long last, I was inside the station building. At 1.20 the train moved and reached Olloor in time, where I got the bus for Poochunnipadam, to reach there, just in time for the bus for chatthakudam.
After paying the fare of five rupees, I had only one rupee left, which I dropped into the temple bhandar, thankful that He made my journey successful!

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