Thursday, 8 January 2015


It is surprising that , till recently, Africa, which is adjacent to Asia, remained unexplored . The lack of a coastal belt  can explain it, I think.
Early civilization sprung up in coastal areas like Athens. Africa is full of hills. People who live by hunting lived there. Each hill had its own Chieftain, without contact with the next hills men. They were man eaters.
It was Stanley and Livingston, two Englishmen, who dared to tour the forests of Africa and write about it.. This was in the nineteenth century, and studying their notes, others interested in exploring the continent followed. They found that the hills covered land, below which, lay hidden, valuable treasure in the form of minerals like Gold etc.
The European counties began attacking and conquering areas, vying with one another. They found that even people could be traded. The black men and women found buyers in America, where English settlers needed men to man their plantations. The famous novel ROOTS has described, in graphic detail, this prosperous trade.

Even now, when the whole continent has been freed by Imperialist powers, Africa remains dark, with extreme poverty and disease like  ebola. People are dying of hunger, The world has forgotten them

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