Sunday, 8 February 2015


We are not actually twins, but there is remarkable similarity. The age difference is only one year and most people, who do not know us are likely to be mistaken; so, for their sake, my elder brother began to grow a moustache. We studied in the same class and the teacher  used to call us twins.  My name is Hari, my brother Sreejith. He liked to remain at home, to help my father, who wanted me also to remain here. But I liked to work outside, independent of my father.
When we passed twelfth, Sree decided to stop; I went to College and graduated in science and computer. I got a job, through the net, in Jadavpur University. Before going there, father wanted us to see two girls , belonging to a family, he knew well:”I like to get you married early. Your mother is not well. Here we have plenty of work in the farm. So I talked to my friend. He is willing. Go there and let me know.
So we went on my bike. It was near the forest and we asked those we met on the way, as the address was not clear. At last we reached there by noon. They were expecting us and the interview began, without formalities. We introduced ourselves to their mother and the girls. The mother said:”This is Shobha, the elder one. The other is Suma. You may choose and talk to each”. The mother went inside the house. Shobha said:”You take rthe decision, whom you like. We both have passed tenth. Suma knows tailoring also. We help mother in the kitchen. Our father is no more. “ the girls too went inside. We laughed and looked at each other. We did not have to wait long. The dishes were spread on the dining table and we were called for the meal.  After the meal we came back home. Father asked:”So, how was the interview? Did you like the girls” I said:”There is nothing to like. Being elder, I shall marry the elder sister, named Shobha; Sree will marry Suma.”
Thus we were married. After about a month, I went to the University, leaving my wife behind. I consoled her:”Dear, I shall take you, as soon as I get some accommodation. I shall call you on phone.”
In the University, it was a new exciting life. Contact with a number of lady teachers and senior girl students kept me busy and soon I forgot the country wife, with whom, there was nothing to talk. Soon I was informed of my wife being pregnant. I felt only irritation, at being a father so soon. Naturally, I kept my marriage a secret. I was very close to one Ganguly. Between us there was nothing secret; I shared everything with her, though she was engaged with a business man. She had protested, but her father insisted:”We both have the same destiny. Why do they leave lovers alone?” She pleaded with her father for time, till her studies were over, and he agreed.
After delivery, I had to go home. Ganguly came with me. She told her father that, after marriage, she will not be able to visit Keralam, as they were to settle in the States, where he had business. Her father agreed.
She was very excited after we boarded the train. It was her first journey outside Bengal. We were the happiest unmarried couple, other passengers took us to be husband and wife.
At home, there was gloom; the new baby, who was extremely beautiful, had a rare illness. Her head began to grow bigger and bigger. Now it is more than the size of watermelon. My wife wept, when she saw me. I did not know what to say. Ganguly, too, became speechless. My father had consulted many doctors. They said it is incurable. The baby took milk regularly; she is always hungry. I even thought of mercy killing, but how to do it?
I went out with Ganguly. She clung to me and tried to console me. I spent some days with her touring , but somehow, the thorn in my heart refused to lie still. “How long will it continue like this?”She asked.
When we returned, father consoled me :”If you like, you may go back to Bengal. You have to take this girl, back to her home”
Undecided, I continued to stay at home. At last, the baby died; but my wife became numb and refused to eat or speak. After consulting doctors, I decided to take her with me, hoping that change of atmosphere will help. Ganguly nursed her all the way during the journey and remained in my home, after reaching Jadavpur. Her devotion impressed me . We consulted many psychologists. We took her to the famous Kali temple in Calcutta and conducted pooja. For one week she prayed and showed signs of improvement . The first words she spoke, was:”Amme, save me.”
Recovery was slow. In one month, she became normal and insisted on going to her mother’s home.  I left her there and came back to the University. Ganguly broke off her engagement and married me. My wife had agreed for this.

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