Saturday, 28 February 2015


The front part of the skull above the eyes , has a strong plate of bone, because we fall down and are likely to break it. Three bones , joined together form the upper part. In a new born baby, these bones are still not fully merged and we can feel a softness there.
From ear to ear, is an opening, through which we can insert a rod, through the dead skull. The central  part is called the middle ear or coclea  . Here is the balancing mechanism. If  we continuously turn round and stop, we may lose balance and fall down. After drinking alcohol, this part may be affected. That is why  drunkard has to walk on four legs.
On either side of the middle ear, is a membrane which vibrate and we hear the sound  waves. If this ‘tympanam’ is broken we cannot hear. To protect the membrane, there is a wax which comes out slowly. This must be removed by cotton buds. It is not advisable to pour hot oil , when the ear aches. Hydrogen peroxide solution may be dropped.
The brain is connected to each cell, by neurons, long nerve cells joined together, end ot end similar to the electric wires. Leprosy germs eat away these cells and the patients lose ability to feel the touch. This is how they lose the tips of fingers.  The neurons cover the whole body, like the blood veins.
The brain cells die in old age , some at a time,  resulting in memory loss, hand shaking etc. Brain is like the Central Secretariat. In case of damage, the ‘sympathetic nervous system’ will carry on the day to day functions of the brain, to maintain the organs.  The person will be in coma.
The head is located above the body, connected by the neck. The neck may be very short or very long. Similarly, there is considerable variation in the size of the head, features of the face and size and attractiveness of the eyes. But these are immaterial, when we study the working of the body as a whole.

The head is built on a strong frame of bone, called the cranium. It is not a single piece. Very young baby has a gap in the cranium, which gets filled, as the three bones constituting the skull, grow and fill the hole. The bone above our eyes is exceptionally strong, because , we all fall down often. Even if the face bleeds, nothing will normally break the bone. It is an example of His ability to see things in All organs of the body may get damaged, but one can survive, if the brain is intact. advance and design the cranium, to protect the brain, which is the most important member of the body as a whole !

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