Monday, 16 February 2015


We used to go to office, by the suburban train in Bombay. We will go in the same coach, by the same train and play cards, to while away the time. At the starting station, there will be no crowd, being far away from Church Gate. As the coach becomes overcrowded, people come and stand by us, often touching our body.
One day, I was overwhelmed by the fragrance of feminine make up and looked up. It was a lady, with a baby in her arms. I took the child in my lap and continued playing. When my friends got down at Dadar, the lady sat by my side, saying:”Thanks, brother.” I continued to fondle the child, and asked:”Who are you? What are you doing?”
“I am working in the Telephone Department. I go to Church Gate. Are you a Bengali?” Oh, no. I am a Keralite, living near Aluva. Why do you think I am Bengali?” “I too, am Malayalee. You are very fair and looks like a North India.”, she continued in our mother tongue. “What is your husband doing?” “He did in an accident. He was an Engineer in the department; that is how I got this job.” “Sorry to hear that.”
At Church Gate, we got down and had tea. We talked and some sort of friendship developed. She promised to come in the same coach every day. She put the child in day care centre while she worked.
One Sunday, she suggested going to her flat and I went there . It was near Bandra. The flat had two bed rooms. “Where are you staying?,” she asked. “Very far away.” “Then come and stay with me; it will be good company.” So it was settled. I was only twenty five and living in  room, with six other men, alone or with wife in Keralam. So this was a great relief. Though the lady was around thirty five, she looked very young. Her colour is dark, but here eyes very lovely and magnetic. At heart I felt drawn to her, but did not dare to mention it.
I used to act in an mature drama company in that area and she used to come to see it often. There we became acquainted with a Director in a cinema outfit. He wanted to make a film, without professional actors . He was impressed by me. “This is Geethu, we live together.” I introduced the lady.  He immediately took her audio clip and was very much pleased. “The human voice has a sexual attraction. By makeup, we can improve the look. But nothing can improve the voice; it is God’s gift. Geethu and you, both have good voice. I try to make the film cheap. Mostly, it will be out door shooting. A good camera is the main equipment. We will concentrate on slum life. This child will also get a role.To give best performance, you two, must actually love each other. I can see you are lovers. Give free run, to your emotional life. “
It took about three months to complete the shooting. VIPs and film people were invited to the pre-view, in a theatre. At the end, there was thunderous applause. Geethu and I were given ovation, when we came to the stage.

After that, we received offers from many producers. At home, I told Geethu:“ We are accepted as lovers,  by the media. Why not actually enjoy sex?” She thought for some time:”I have Mars in my horoscope. That is why I lost my husband, according to the astrologer. I do not want to lose you.” “It is nonsense. Let us enjoy life. The formality of marriage can be avoided. Then, Mars will be helpless !” She smiled.

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