We used to sleep in the main bed room. Newly married Sudhir
and wife used the upstairs room, giving them ample privacy.
The house was fully furnished, but there was no bed upstairs.
So we went to see a furniture shop at
Chevur, on the way to Trichur and after examining various options, selected one
and gave the advance for a double bed.
When the bed came, it was found difficult to take it upstairs.
Ultimately the carpenters had to dismantle it partly.
The next item was a steel almirah . That was available at
Oorakam itself , walkable distance from Manavazhy.
During this period, Sudhir got a job as salesman in an
ayurvedic shop at Chathakudam centre .
He could reach there in ten minutes. This job he continued for a long time.
Ultimately it was purchased by us for five lakh rupees.
There is a temple near our house, at Pidikaparamu, where
Narasimhamoorthy is the deity. I used to go there daily. Now this temple has
been rebuilt and the pond deepened, providing plenty of water. After break fast
, my walk will cover almost all temples in the locality, including the
Subrahmania temple at Peruvanam.
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