Thursday, 19 February 2015

DIARY (18-2-2015)

DIARY (18-2-2015)
Myself and wife were alone, during the week and felt ‘homesick’, in our own house, because the kids had gone with their mother, to ‘ammathu’(mother house) Four walls do not make a home. So were happy to attend brother-in-law’s ‘sathabdi’, as eighty fourth birthday is called. After wishing him many more years of good life, and finishing breakfast, I went to the Degree College at Ottappalam, carrying my new book of ten English short stories. The volume of the booklet was kept small, so that I can sell it for just Rs. Twenty.
I could easily find buyers. I was glad that girl students came forward to buy books , in addition to teachers.
By twelve, I came to the Shornur bus stand sat in the bus for Mundaya. The driver said that it will leave only after twenty minutes. I waited patiently.  The bus stopped every five minutes, as if tired. Then it moved. As it was about to reach Muthurssi Mana, the engine failed finally. I walked the rest of the distance. My wife was angry for being away, for such a long time. After my meal, we came home comfortably in Mini’s husband’s air conditioned car. I was sitting beside Jayan, in the front seat and talked about many things.  A constant refrain was his obsession with Christianization of  South Tamilnadu.  Central Travencore is dominated by them. He says they  have made inroads into the Tamil region also, adjacent to Keralam. I did not argue.
He said that Modi has made big underground tanks and is storing crude oil . If so, it is a good idea.

In the night  at eight, Sreeja and the kids arrived and my heart is full of joy !

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