Wednesday, 4 March 2015


After graduation, I registered my name in the Employment Exchange and was called to attend a written Dictation Test at Ernakulam. I qualified and was appointed in the Defence Department. But after three months, I was discharged. Such appointments were purely
I liked to help Ma in the kitchen. She used to say I have ‘kaipunnyam’ . If I just add salt, the dish will be liked by all. As I liked kitchen work, I used to do all that work and learned to cook several dishes and snacks. Soon I joined a catering outfit and began earning salary.
During a marriage feast, a fair girl named Keerthy liked me and asked about my background. Soon her parents contacted my father and our marriage was fixed. During ‘pennukaanal’ I enquired about her . She was not at all shy.
“I am employed in a Project near Raipur in MP. I am Chief’s steno and earn good salary. Are you willing to marry me? Of course, you will have to do kitchen work. I hate to do that.” Soon we were married, as she did not have much  leave.
I never had sex. I thoroughly enjoyed the first night.
The journey to Raipur was interesting , as I had never been outside Keralam. The crossing of the Krishna river was exciting. “you like travel; I too love it. Now I have you as guardian and we will travel to one place every year. I liked  you at first sight , now I love you all the more. Do you know Hindi?” “Only some words “ “Does not matter . I have some Malayalee friends. The wife of our Chief Engineer, Kurien is a fast friend of mine. She will give you company during day time. Her name is Ann, belongs to Kottayam.”
Ann had come to the railway station to receive us. She took us in her car. It was useful, as we had several bags full of things like coconut, banana etc. Our quarter had two bed rooms. She took rest that day, from the next day, she went to office. Ann came by about ten. She is a real beauty, with bobbed hair and sleeveless blows, showing her  clean armpits. She was not at all shy and remained in the kitchen , helping me to set things in order. “This is the trouble with Keerthi, very careless. She hates kitchen work. I enjoy it. Show me how you make dosa and sambar. My dosa is tasteless, Kurien says.” Her presence encouraged Hindi speaking ladies too, to come and enjoy my company. They taught me how to make North Indian dishes and achars.
Keerthi came from office late, almost daily. On Saturdays it was half day. Sundays we went out . Ann came with car and we three made good company.
On week days, I got up at five. She woke up only in time, to get ready and go. I used to keep three sets of tiffins-one for morning breakfast, one for meal and a third for snacks at four. As the Project Manager liked my preparations , I kept extra quantities for him. One day, he came with Keerthi and praised me :”My PA has made an excellent choice. I shall increase her salary” he said. “Come and see our office.”
Two years passed . We went home once only. This time, Keerthi’s sister too came with us . She got appointment in store section. She is not so fair as her sister, but joined in helping me in the kitchen. In another six months,  the inevitable thing happened; my wife became pregnant.  She wanted to get rid of it, but her sister and Ann, both  vehemently opposed it; finally, she gave in. To my suggestion, to have the delivery at home , it was pointed out that there are excellent Hospital facilities at Raipur.
As the date came nearer and nearer, my wife became very anxious. Her mother came to console her.
Operation became inevitable as her condition worsened by the hour. I remained by her side , holding her hand in mine. Then she was taken to the operation theatre.
We all waited and prayed. At last, a bonny boy was brought by the nurse and placed in my hand, saying  :“Congratulations.”
After another half hour, her dead body was brought  out. :”We are sorry Sir. “ said the Doctor.

I married her sister.

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