Exploitation of ground water is blamed for the continuous fall in water level in the wells and ponds. To some extent, it may be true.
But this is not a new phenomenon. Long ago when there was much less population and bore wells were unknown, several ponds have dried up. Muthalakulam maidan in Kozhikode was a lake, as the name suggests. Muthala means crocodile and kulam is pond. Khajuraho was a prosperous settlement, once upon a time. Shortage of water was the reason for abandoning it. Maya civilization in America became extinct for want of water, according to some. So this is a world phenominon.
If you divide the earth into two halves, one half being the Pacific ocean, you will find that the other half is heavier than the oceanic half. During high tide, the heavier half, containing continents, is pushed up slightly every day. This has been explained in my blog “Earthquake- pressure cooker model” The weight of oceanic water too pushes up the continents continuously. That is why we find the Himalayas rising. In fact the continental crust is bulging out more and more, over millions of years. Automatically, ground water level sinks correspondingly, as the ultimate water level is governed by the sea water level.
This is one explanation for desertification of the “old world “
It is the sea level that decides the ultimate bottom level to which general ground water level may sink.
But the subsoil water level which is reached while digging a well, is decided by local contour of the rock system which is very irregular. Normally we are concerned about this. This will be affected by exploitation by bore wells The Plachimada Pepsi plant is doing it on a big scale. This problem can be easily solved by making a number of earthen embankments, along all water channels, big and small, including canals in mountain areas, mountain valley dams etc., as suggested in my blog. This will serve the purpose of recharging ground water and storing water.
There is one more reason for drying up of wells and ponds. In such cases, the water is filling up these water holes, through minute channels coming from the bottom, which get blocked, if left undisturbed. As people depend on tap water, the wells are disused. Similarly, if a pond is not used, it also dries up in due course. Jumping in, diving, swimming etc.cause so much disturbance to the bottom layers that blocking materials get automatically removed. This is also the purpose of dredging.
To sum up, there are various reasons and each source of water has to be studied properly
My services are always there, free of cost, for solving water problems, because it is my mission.
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