Monday, 29 December 2014


When the Government of India Act came into force in 1936, our government was a clone of British Imperialism. The whole military set up smelt of imperialist blood, eager to  expand, if necessary by annexing the neighbouring countries, and alwys suspicious of powerful countries beyond our borders. Both the Durrand line and the Macmohan lines, were drawn arbitrarily, without reference to ground reality, the former dividing the Pashtoons into two halves, one to become part of Afghanistan and the other half part of Pakistan
The mind set of our defence establishment and the self styled patriots (who will give away our secrets for money) remains the same, as it was among the Britishers in 1936.
That is why no one protested when Morarji Desai annexed Sikkim, when he was our Prime Minister. When Rajiv Gandhi intervened in the civil war in Lanka, our patriots praised his statesmanship. It was utter fiasco.
Junagad was annexed when they opted for Pakistan in terms of the 1947 agreement. The Nizam of Hyderabad remained independent; so he was removed by military force. Goa was liberated by the armed forces, to rehabilitate the reputation of our Defence Minister.The will of the people of Kashmir was ignored and we occupied it, just to save the King. We are still suffering the consequences, both in terms of huge yearly expenditure and precious lives!
Why did we receive the Dalai Lama, when he came to India in 1992? He could have been given back to the Chinese.
What is remarkable in all these cases, is the fact that these were not discussed in Parliament. We all felt happy that our Nation is acquiring territory!
Yes. India is an Imperialist power.
If we forget our false pride and work for the upliftment of the poor and the downtrodden, the better for our own future. That is true patriotism.

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