Wednesday, 31 December 2014


The liver is the most important organ in the human body, next only to the brain. It is the only organ that “grows”, when a part of it is removed.

Production of bile, necessary for digestion of fat, breaking up of red blood corpuscles and building new ones, producing 80% of cholesterol required by the body etc. are only some of its functions. It is very sturdy and withstands the effects of alcohol to a great extent. But once damaged, it is beyond repairs.
The kidney too is very important. It filters the blood continuously and removes all unwanted chemicals. If its function is blocked or its capacity is reduced, as happens in the case of diabetic patients, dialysis is the only way. This is very costly and the number of cases requiring this costly method, is increasing every day because of the phenomenal rise in diabetes cases.
The only way to avoid it, is to depend on soybean and avoid all starchy food. You may use protein food, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian, including mutton and chicken. Fish is ideal.Use leafy vegetables and eggs and milk. Do not worry about cholesterol. Soybean will control it.
If you stop all medicines, your kidney will function normally, till the end.
Soybean is a wonder drug. Its medicinal properties are yet to be studied. Apart from diabetes, soybean helps in reducing fat, controlling hiper tension, reducing risks of heart attack and stroke.

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