Tuesday, 30 December 2014


Every second, our body is releasing hormones into the blood.

A naked woman, a beautiful scenery, scenes in the animal kingdom etc. are examples of mental reaction to imagery. When confronted with a cobra, it is actual command for action, induced by reality. This too is caused by hormones.
Pavlov operated a dog and fitted a tube, through which gastric juice produced in the stomach, was collected and measured.
Every day the animal was given food, after ringing a bell. Afterwards he found that the sound of the bell caused production of juice, even when no food was given. This is known as conditioned reflex.
There is a joke about an old man who enjoyed sex much beyond his capacity. Even when he was unable to perform, he enjoyed seeing it done by his servants. A time came when the mere sound of the couple coming to his room, produced ecstacy in the old man!
Saints and their disciples pray and spend time, reading and hearing lectures about spiritual topics. This induces hormonal changes, causing indifference to sex. We call it sublimation.
Thus the body influences the mind and vice versa

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