Wednesday, 31 December 2014


We do not know how we started growing food. Some how we learned that several types of grass seeds (rice is one such seed) can be eaten.

In the same way, after generations of observation, we learned about the medicinal properties of several plants.
So there is nothing wrong in accepting the findings incorporated in Ayurvedic texts, especially for those diseases, for which a proper treatment is still not available in modern medicine.
Many doctors have understood this simple truth.
Tribal people know many plants with wonderful properties; but they keep it secret.


Beggars are human beings like us. They have every right as we have.

Do they come under voters” list? When identity cards are issued to all citizens, how can we ignore them?


Exploitation of ground water is blamed for the continuous fall in water level in the wells and ponds. To some extent, it may be true.

But this is not a new phenomenon. Long ago when there was much less population and bore wells were unknown, several ponds have dried up. Muthalakulam maidan in Kozhikode was a lake, as the name suggests. Muthala means crocodile and kulam is pond. Khajuraho was a prosperous settlement, once upon a time. Shortage of water was the reason for abandoning it. Maya civilization in America became extinct  for want of water, according to some. So this is a world phenominon.
If you divide the earth into two halves, one half being the Pacific ocean, you will find that the other half is heavier than the oceanic half. During high tide, the heavier half, containing continents, is pushed up slightly every day. This has been explained in my blog “Earthquake- pressure cooker model” The weight of oceanic water too pushes up the continents continuously. That is why we find the Himalayas rising. In fact the continental crust is bulging out more and more, over millions of years. Automatically, ground water level sinks correspondingly, as the ultimate water level is governed by the sea water level.
This is one explanation for desertification of the “old world “
It is the sea level that decides the ultimate bottom level to which general ground water level may sink.
But the subsoil water level which is reached while digging a well, is decided by local contour of the rock system which is very irregular. Normally we are concerned about this. This will be affected by exploitation by bore wells The Plachimada Pepsi plant is doing it on a big scale. This problem can be easily solved by making a number of earthen embankments, along all water channels, big and small, including canals in mountain areas, mountain valley dams etc., as suggested in my blog. This will serve the purpose of recharging ground water and storing water.
There is one more reason for drying up of wells and ponds. In such cases, the water is filling up these water holes, through minute channels coming from the bottom, which get blocked, if left undisturbed. As people depend on tap water, the wells are disused. Similarly, if a pond is not used, it also dries up in due course. Jumping in, diving, swimming etc.cause so much disturbance to the bottom layers that blocking materials get automatically removed. This is also the purpose of dredging.
To sum up, there are various reasons and each source of water has to be studied properly
My services are always there, free of cost, for solving water problems, because it is my mission.


The liver is the most important organ in the human body, next only to the brain. It is the only organ that “grows”, when a part of it is removed.

Production of bile, necessary for digestion of fat, breaking up of red blood corpuscles and building new ones, producing 80% of cholesterol required by the body etc. are only some of its functions. It is very sturdy and withstands the effects of alcohol to a great extent. But once damaged, it is beyond repairs.
The kidney too is very important. It filters the blood continuously and removes all unwanted chemicals. If its function is blocked or its capacity is reduced, as happens in the case of diabetic patients, dialysis is the only way. This is very costly and the number of cases requiring this costly method, is increasing every day because of the phenomenal rise in diabetes cases.
The only way to avoid it, is to depend on soybean and avoid all starchy food. You may use protein food, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian, including mutton and chicken. Fish is ideal.Use leafy vegetables and eggs and milk. Do not worry about cholesterol. Soybean will control it.
If you stop all medicines, your kidney will function normally, till the end.
Soybean is a wonder drug. Its medicinal properties are yet to be studied. Apart from diabetes, soybean helps in reducing fat, controlling hiper tension, reducing risks of heart attack and stroke.


Several times have I read in Malayalam newspapers about people collapsing and dying at railway platforms, work places etc.

Two days back, I had this nasty experience.
The whole night I could not sleep because of loose motion. I became extremely weak.
In the morning, I avoided break fast, for fear of further trouble. So I remained in bed till about 9 AM.
Afterwards, I had strong coffee and had to walk a little in connection with the ritual (upanayanam-janyu) to attend which we had gone there. I remained with other guests for some time and slowly walked back to my room.
To my surprise I found that ladies had occupied my room; so I tried to climb upstairs for a place to lie down. In the exertion, I lost consciousness for a few seconds and collapsed on the staircase . I vaguely remember some lady (it was Sheela) helping me to get up and continued climbing the remaining steps.
Soon some one placed a pillow over a mat spread there in a hurry and I felt all right after a minute. To satisfy the small crowd around me, I sat up for a few seconds and then I was left alone.
I was given water with a small quantity of sugar.


NASA lost contact with the instrument exploring the Mars, because it was covered with a thick  layer of solid carbon dioxide.

In the atmosphere, carbon dioxide is the easiest to covert into solid form. We can do it in the laboratory also. It looks like ice then. So it is called dry ice.
I was told about a theory that our atmosphere too was full of carbon dioxide. As and when life forms like anaeroid bacteria ( which can live without oxygen) evolved, they produced the first molecules of oxygen. I have commented about the slight increase in percentage of oxygen, from 20% to 21%, during the last fifty years.
This clearly proves that carbon dioxide has no role in warming the atmosphere, which is just crying wolf to terrorise us!
The new year has come.
In this remote village, no one will know this, till we receive the newspaper.

At least, the deb burden of the Governments should be reduced in this  year 2015


That shy plant, which is aptly called “touch me not” is not alone, in protesting against our advances.

We all like to touch and fondle things we like. Pets are meant only to serve our emotional need for caressing. Some parents take it for granted that children like it. Indeed some may like it, but not all.
It is best if we leave all plants and trees alone.
Leaves and flowers are very dear to them. They are their organs. Of course, we have to live and we need food. But why turn and twist the branches of trees not of any use to us, like the touch me not?
Laksharchana is fashionable these days. People go on collecting tulsi leaves and several types of flowers for this purpose alone.


The new year has come.
In this remote village, no one will know this, till we receive the newspaper.

At least, the deb burden of the Governments should be reduced in this  year 2015


“I like the way your poem uses religious imagery to convey its meaning…very effective.” Comments a viewer.

It will be plagiarism, if I do not mention about the source of my two line poem. That is why I gave the Malayalam lines in bracket, I do not know the author.
Our language is very rich in what may be called poet philosophers.
N. Kumaran Asan is the topmost, among them, I think.
I do not know who wrote the lines which I have translated. The word “neethi” is much more than the word “truth”. It includes justice, humane nature etc. As I never attempted poetry, I was very much doubtful, whether I would be successful in translating it.
Martin’s opinion is very valuable.
Thank you, Martin.


Stagnant growth, low value of the rupee and unemployment should receive the attention of the Government at the centre, and the State Governments. But  unfortunately, nothing is being done.

With all State Governments  under  the control of opposition parties, passing of fresh legislation is next to impossible.

Mass investment in the public sector, including infrastructure, is the need of  the hour.


In Gujarath, he had a reputation, as a good administrator. But in Delhi, he appears to be dysfunctional. He leaves all things to his right hand man, Amyth Shaw.
Modi is unsuccessful in bringing new investment by foreign multinational companies. The Parliament is paralised by the furor over  mass conversion of Christians and Muslims, the agenda of Hinduthwa.

Or, knowing that this is his last chance, he is using the chance to implement all their programs, including Ram mandir?


If you are enjoying a walk in the moon light, with your spouse in your arms, you will like to do something, which is essentially an expression of your biological urge; this urge must not be suppressed.

Many religions forbid it. Priests are not allowed sex. Our society disapproves it, unless the couple is married. In a public park, any policeman can harass you.
Once I was resting in a park, when a young man and a girl sat by my side and began talking about something or other. After about ten minutes, a policeman appeared from nowhere and started questioning them. I intervened and explained that they were innocent, when the keeper of our morality went away disappointed. At least he expected some money.
Will we ever be free like our Western people?


If you are enjoying a walk in the moon light, with your spouse in your arms, you will like to do something, which is essentially an expression of your biological urge; this urge must not be suppressed.

Many religions forbid it. Priests are not allowed sex. Our society disapproves it, unless the couple is married. In a public park, any policeman can harass you.
Once I was resting in a park, when a young man and a girl sat by my side and began talking about something or other. After about ten minutes, a policeman appeared from nowhere and started questioning them. I intervened and explained that they were innocent, when the keeper of our morality went away disappointed. At least he expected some money.
Will we ever be free like our Western people?


If you are enjoying a walk in the moon light, with your spouse in your arms, you will like to do something, which is essentially an expression of your biological urge; this urge must not be suppressed.

Many religions forbid it. Priests are not allowed sex. Our society disapproves it, unless the couple is married. In a public park, any policeman can harass you.
Once I was resting in a park, when a young man and a girl sat by my side and began talking about something or other. After about ten minutes, a policeman appeared from nowhere and started questioning them. I intervened and explained that they were innocent, when the keeper of our morality went away disappointed. At least he expected some money.
Will we ever be free like our Western people?


Udad dhal is an essential item for making the South Indian special dish called masala dosa. Three parts rice is mixed with one part dhal and soaked in water overnight, for grinding and making the dough, to make delicious, mouth watering dosa, which is liked by all. Irrespective of nationality.

When I had to shell out Rs. 92 for a KG of dhal, I felt wounded!
I gave strict instructions to manage the whole month, with this ration.
I shall give you a tip. Methi seeds (uluva) can be substituted for udad. Only a small quantity will be sufficient, as it is bitter to taste. I like the taste and it is definitely more healthy, as it helps in reducing blood sugar of diabetic patients.


Fever is the common ailment which affects all of us. There is nothing to worry about it. The body has declared an emergency. That is all.

If it is caused by some viral infection, it will go away in a few days. There is no medicine for virus. If the fever persists after five days, go to a doctor.
In rural India, they give some local medicine. Mostly it is effective.
In all these cases, our body reacts and the invading army of germs is defeated.
There is a complete hospital in us. It measures body temperature, blood sugar level etc. continuously and produces chemicals to meet the requirements.
In the non-allopathic medical systems, the medicines do not act themselves. They simply activate the departments in our body hospital.
While working in the workshop section of Rajasthan Atomic Power Project, my FRIEND sARDARJY HAD AN ACCIDENT. HIS RIGHT ARM WAS CUT INTO TWO SEPARATE PIECES. With great presence of mind, he held the cut hand tightly to his cut arm and went to the project hospital. There they found that nothing was required to be done. The live cells on both parts of the arm communicated with each other and formed a single piece.
Lo! There is a casualty ward too in the body hospital
Two things are required to maintain our body healthy – diet that should include all essential vitamins and minerals, and, proper exercise.
Keep the doctor away!



After retirement from Government service, I never filed Income Tax return, as my colleague ntold me they never bother about pensioners. We are BW (below wealth line),AND DO NOT DESERVE THE ATTENTION OF TAXMEN, WHO ARE HUNTING THE BIG SHARKS.
I was shaken, when my daughter told me that I must file the annual return before the month end, as I want to get refund of tax deducted from my fixed deposits.
After searching for their office, about which common people had no idea, I got the form, but was unable to fill it, because I should know tax rules! In fact, I should make my assessment of tax and record it in the form.I could only fill my name and address!
Why don’t they simplify it?


There is always a contrast not only between the West and the East, but also between the North and the South.

The Northern hemisphere is rich; the South poor. North America wanted to abolish slavery, the South opposed it.
In India, Northerners hate the Madrasis and we heartily reciprocate the sentiment.  When it is cold winter for us, it is hot in South America and Australia.
Gujarat in the West is extremely conservative, very industrious and people united.
In the East, people are politically revolutionary, quarrelsome and very advanced in literature, culture and philosophy. Gujarat could not produce a Tagore or a J.C Bose.We do not have a single Advani in Bengal. Americans are capitalists; Communism is in Asia onlly.
All great religions like Budhism, Christianity and Mohammedanism were born in the East. Karl Marx was born in the Wet. up in the West.


Lies have wings. Truth crawls.

Ultimately truth triumphs. Anju Gupta (may her tribe increase) has revived the  hopes of those, who believed that Advani’s lies, about the demolition of Babri Msjid, will be nailed down.
She is senior police officer and her statement cannot be dismissed lightly. All those who watched the TV channels know it. Just similar happenings were watched by us during the genocide in Gujarat, following  the burning of a railway coach at Godhra. In this case, Narendra Modi is appearing to give testimony before the Special Investigating Team, appointed by the Supreme Court.
Advani has confessed in his autobiography that indeed, he was behind the plot to demolish Babri Masjid.


My wife had three brothers, or four, to be exact.

Krishnan, her anujan (younger brother) died early, while still a brahmachary (ovinichunni), at the age of seven or so. It was a big shock to her.
Her immediate ettan (elder brother) named Vasudevan was dull in studies and left school after a few years. He was at home and the two, brother and sister, were very close to each other.
He used to do pooja at the family temple of Narasimhamoorthy. The naivedyam (cooked rice has to be prepared in the kitchen, after taking bath in the family pond, without changing the wet cloths, and then carry it to the temple sanctum).
So he would keep it there and tell the deity in pure Malayalam (normally all mantras are said in Samskrutham): I have taken all this trouble; eat, if you like.
And he would come out and smoke his beedi. He would make something or other for the sister to eat. Hcooked food well.
Both, brother and sister, were married on the same day.
He was always doing something or other for getting money, like selling paddy or trees etc.
Soon it was decided to divide property between brothers.
He accepted a rice fields and nearby plot with a mud house, a little away frm the main campus.
He was a good farmer and hard worker. It was a pleasure to meet the family. Sitting in the front veranda, facing the fields and the cool breeze, coming from the Bharathapuzha, we enjoyed simple refreshments of small plantains, or tender coconut water or banana chips in the season.
He got work in an ayurvedic pharmacy making drugs and was well settled.
When He wants to destroy a person, He makes him mad. This simple man started pilfering medicines and was caught. Soomehow he got pardon through the efforts of a lawyer, Parakunnath Narayanan Namboodiri, my mousi’s husband who was very influential and equally humanitarian.
When they became financially better, his son now working in a school (all youngsters in muthukurssi mana are teachers, they can run their own school), his wife decided to build a terrace house. This was opposed by the farmer husband.
One day Vasudevan came to see us at CS puram gramam. The brother and sister were very happy and went on talking incessantly as if they are still children. He stayed there for two days and went away happy.

Soon we were informed that he hanged himself in the old mud house, from where he never shifted to the terrace building.


Way back in 2003,  I wrote the above piece and personally gave it to the Chief Minister, hoping that action will be initiated soon, for making a lake in the river bed. 

The excavated soil is to be used for making two embankments, along the river, on either side, for separating the dirty water coming from the city, so that clean water may be collected in the pit, 20 feet deep, running along the length of the river in Delhi.
The embankments may be very wide, to accommodate wide roads, restaraunts, children’s parks, forests etc. The slopes must be protected with grass. Some specimens of such embankments, formed naturally, can be seen near the Tibetan market.
Sir Metcaffe, who was in charge of Delhi administration for over forty years  in the nineteenth century, construced an earthen check dam and diverted the water to the channels in the old fort area (Red Fort) . That time only that area was inhabited.
People were so happy that they celebrated the occasion by floating diya (earthen lamps), as they do in the Ganga.
Why can’t we do it now?


If I am asked to add twenty figures, I get different answers every time.

I like geometry. Everything is perfect and we can see the angles and the circle and the parallelogram. Calculations are based on logic. The first thing MAN learned, was making a circle on the ground. You all know how.
Algebra is the worst thing. axb=ab. Does it make any sense? In English, it means that if you multiply a by b, the product is what you get by multiplying a by b.
And then the assumptions. A perfect line has only length, no breadth. Even if you make a line of electrons, it has breadth. Similarly, there is no perfect circle. So we have to assume another non-existant quantity the PY (I do not know how to type the symbol). People go on working the value of this mythical figure which has no relevance to reality.
Why should “a” multiplied by” -b “= -ab or -a x -b = +ab ?
Then, the world of conjectures. Are they not wasting their time and our money?
I read about a mathematician who showed mathematically, how water molecules travel through rock. Well that is something admirable!
When we were children, we have all teased them by asking the question:
There are ten birds sitting on a tree; how many will be left, if one is shot down?
Mathematically we have the answer nine.
I can prove that an open door is equal to a closed door, thus:
Half open= half closed. Multiplying the equation by 2, we get open = closed.
So mathematical solutions cannot be accepted blindly.
Do not feel offended; take it as just fun!


Hindus believe that the soul is a distinct entity which leaves the body when one dies. If the person is destined to suffer more, he is again born inside another body, not necessarily human.
It is a somewhat pessimistic view of life.When we observe the poverty stricken millions of people in Africa, India and Bangladesh, how can we be otherwise?
The rishis advise us to refrain from all worldly desires, because these longings bind us to birth and rebirth. This cycle can be broken and soul liberated to merge with God Almighty. This is called moksh.
In practice, no one, not even the so called sanyasis care to leave this life, with all enjoyments of pleasures.
Yet there are some genuine sanyasis who do not receive any hospitality from any person. The Budha was one such example. The Sirdi Saibaba was another sanyasi who never took anything more than what is required for survival. The very presence of such gentle souls have a beneficial influence on the mental and physical health of their disciples.
So there is nothing to feel joy when a baby is born or to grieve when the soul goes away to meet the Almighty.


I was born, when my sister was ten years old. She was very glad to have someone to care for and I was always in her hands. As my mother died soon after my birth, I used to call her Ma. I was not aware of my colour in early childhood, but, as soon I joined School, I heard the comments of my friends who called me Blachie My sister would counter:”Was not Lord Krishna black?”

After she left for college, I did not get her protection, but I was mentally and physically very strong. At home, I used to climb trees, even the coconut tree and quarrel with other children of my age, earning the nick name squirrel. I was brilliant in studies and soon became the favourite of teachers and the envy of other girls. But boys liked me.”She is smart and charming, though black,” they would say. Time came for my transfer to the College, where within a matter of months, I became very popular and even stood or Union post and won with big majority.
I was far away in IIT, Roorky and, during holidays and Sundays, write home, to my sister to say How I missed them all and enquire about Papa and our friends. She is lazy to write, instead, she would call me on phone and talk for half an hour!
One day she told me she is engaged. “Who is the lucky guy?”
“He is black as you; a business man from Idukky. Father told me he is a millionaire. Owns acres of tea plantations. But I did not care for money, you know. It was a broker, who brought the case and father went  and saw the family. He says the are decent people. Some are advocates.”
“Send me a photo immediately and give his bio-data. When is the marriage? You know I cannot come there.”
I was very excited. I too was having a liking for a boy from Bengal, a Christian. We are also Christians and so there may not be objection from Papa. I have not committed till now.
Durgapooja holidays came and all Bengalis were preparing to go home. My friend asked:”Are you coming? My parents will be gld to see you. I have told them about you.” I agreed and was very much eager to see them.
It was my first travel to the East. Bengal was similar to Keralam. Their house was at the border between the two Bengals. I could not understand the language. Local people did not speak English, otherwise I wanted to talk to the common people.
John’s parents were too fair and looked like Europeans. John himself is not so fair. They all treated me kindly. During the stay there, John told me:”Sorry Susan, my parents are against my marrying you. They are conscious about your colour.” I did not show my anger, but steeled my mind against them all. I said I am going to Kerala and booked my ticket by plane.  At home, all were happy to see me. My sister was very much excited. I did not tell them the reason for my sudden coming.
During the stay here, we went to see my sister’s in-laws. Her husband’s younger brother was very much eager to have my company and we went to see the hills in Iduky.  He is dark and our friendship soon ripened to the extent of sexual intimacy. I forgot the episode about John


I used to sit in the restaurant of my father, to assist him in the cash counter.. There will be no time, even to look at the faces of the customers ,as  there will be a que even for payment of cash. I have been advising my father to move over to a new place, where we can have spacious hall. But he would say:”Son, it is this spot, near the bus stop, that attracts people.”
I had graduated and, having nothing else to do, I helped father. I did not like the job. One day I was alone. I was about to wind up, as it was eleven in the night, when a young lady came”:I am sorry; there is nothing left. If you are hungry, we may give some rice and sambar.”
“Thank you. Bu my intention was to see you. Give me whatever is left. I went to see the film; that is why I am late.”
I ordered the waiter to give her something and accompanied her and sat opposite her. She may be about thirty, not very attractive, but there was some elusive charm which glued me to her eyes.
She began eating, I waited for her to finish:”Tell me, what can I do?”
“I had seen your profile in the net and I am a regular visitor to your blog. I like your views on most matters. I like your stories. While walking to catch my bus, I saw your face and immediately recognized you.”
“Where are you going? If it is nearby, I can drop you there.” ”That will be very kind of you; I stay at Thanikudam”
After we settled in the front seat and the engine was started, I asked:”What are you doing?”
“I a m a freelance journalist and reporter of the Pioneer,  a weekly issued from Delhi.  I send the papers trough email; the res of the work is done by subeditors. Occasionally I go there”
When we reached there and I got down, she said:”There is extra room for guests. If you like, you may be my be my guest tonight.  In the morning, you can got o work” I had half a mind to stay, but hesitated. Seeing my hesitation, she pulled me into the house.
The house is clean and modern, well furnished. Our house is old. Father is not interested I show.”Is it not more cool than AC ? The tiled roof allows wind to pass through, bringing fresh air. Even fan is not necessary.” All this I explained to her, when she was sowing me her house.”You did not tell me your name.”
“I know your name and all details from the net. Once I sent a mail toyou; you did not respond. My name is Alaka”
“Good name. This is your room. I shall make the bed.” She changed the sheet and asked me:”Would you like to have coffee now?”
I too followed her into the kitchen.”Where are the other members of the household?” “My mother has gone home. Brother is in Delhi. A maid comes for odd jobs and cleaning.”
After coffee, she came with me. “Do not misunderstand me; you are a young boy, perhaps unacquainted with sex. I am an old hand at that. This is nothing in my view. Just a play of man and woman. Why did God make us?,” she pulled me to the bed and  removed my cloths and then …. Her breasts are full and I could not resist it…
In the morning she brought coffee and we talked as if nothing had happened.
“You  were saying you have no work. Perhaps I can employ you.” “How?”
“I told you I am working for a weekly. My writing is not as good as I would like. Yu have excellent command over English, as I found in your blog. I shall give you my notes; you dictate to me the passage. I shall type as soon as you dictate.  Salary will be decided, after they, In Delhi,  see your performance. Is it OK?” He jumped with joy and embraced me:”Thank you Madam.” “No madam. Now you are my friend. Call me Alka” What shall I tell my father?
I called my father:”I got a job. I have to be in the office,  even after office hours. So I shall stay in a lodge. This is why I could not come home yesterday.  Today evening I shall come, to bring my cloths and bedding. Is it alright?” He agreed.  She suggested seeing the temple at Thanikudam. So we took bath and went to the Devi temple. When we returned, the maid had prepare the break fast.
Alka talked to Delhi and conveyed the developments. It seems she has great influence. They said only five thousand initially  and authorized her to pay me the same amount  as advance.

Thus began our double bond: as employer –employee, and …


Today’s papers show in head lines, the rift between the two groups in the CPM. The ruling coalition is more divided than ever.

Ooman Chandy vs Sudheeran, is supported by the old Antony and Karunakaran groups  They are not concerned about the stagnant economy or the threat of Maoists in wynad. This is the time when all parties must forget their differences and fight against anarchy


If you see the seismography line maintained by meteorological department, to measure the vibrations of the earth, you will be surprised by the similarity with the cardiography of a heart patient.
The earth is vibrating like the heart of a man You will notice this, when a train runs before you.  When a horse runs, the sound is caused y the sound waves, caused by the vibration of the earth. Snakes are sensitive to this. They lie still, to ascertain the source of the epicetre.

Is it not surprising that our kick can make the earth tremble?

Tuesday, 30 December 2014



Rajagopalachary  established the Swathanthra Party, opposed to the Congress raj, which faithfully carried on with all the rules of the British raj.
Its main demand was   to do away with the License raj. Now, for everything, Government’s permission is required in the form of  license. Censorship rules too come in this category.
When, in the internet, you can see actual sex, why censorship for films?
I agree with Rajajy. All license rules should be scrapped.


Europeans made their Empires, fighting “enemies”, who were actually the native people, mostly tribals.

Shoot them before they attack us, was the guiding principle. Only they (Whites) had the guns, which they used to kill animals and men.
When the English landed in America, it was a vast forest, unknown and dangerous, because of attacks, both from animals and native red Indians. Slowly they settled in colonies, in virgin soil and expanded westwards. Guns were the basic weapons against the bow and arrow of the Indians.
Now the mafia have taken over the whole world, except China. They have the most modern equipment, including laboratories, web site etc. and IT STAFF WHO CAN HACK ANYTHING WITH EASE.
So long as you are harmless, it is OK. So never come into their notice.
Land mafia, building mafia, those controlling trafficking in women and children, smuggling of arms – the list is unending.
Obama or Manmohan Singh is nothing before them. The whole world is controlled by the mafia.


Every second, our body is releasing hormones into the blood.

A naked woman, a beautiful scenery, scenes in the animal kingdom etc. are examples of mental reaction to imagery. When confronted with a cobra, it is actual command for action, induced by reality. This too is caused by hormones.
Pavlov operated a dog and fitted a tube, through which gastric juice produced in the stomach, was collected and measured.
Every day the animal was given food, after ringing a bell. Afterwards he found that the sound of the bell caused production of juice, even when no food was given. This is known as conditioned reflex.
There is a joke about an old man who enjoyed sex much beyond his capacity. Even when he was unable to perform, he enjoyed seeing it done by his servants. A time came when the mere sound of the couple coming to his room, produced ecstacy in the old man!
Saints and their disciples pray and spend time, reading and hearing lectures about spiritual topics. This induces hormonal changes, causing indifference to sex. We call it sublimation.
Thus the body influences the mind and vice versa




The child playing with Barbie doll, is making a virtual world for her enjoyment. Once I switched off the fan, as no one was in the room. My grandchild became angry. She shouted “My baby is sleeping; she will wake up”!

A devotee of gods enters a virtual world, when he enters a temple of worship. The calm and serene atmosphere inside, is soothing to the nerves.
“The poet, the lunatic and the lover” live perpetually in this imaginary environment, which is the creative world of writers. While writing short stories, my characters are my companions.
We will be reduced to money making robots, if imagination is negated by reason.
A person returning home at dead of night, sees an apparition near a peepul tree, considered to be the abode of ghosts, falls ill and dies. People will agree that it is the work of supernatural forces, because, for most people, spirits are a reality. It is pure fantasy.
Even while walking, I remain in virtual world and am surprised by an oncoming vehicle when it horns.
When I lie down on a bed in the terrace and watch the stars, I walk in the sky, far far away in the extremity of space.
These days the TV channels provide another virtual world, for friendship and the characters become alive in the virtual world
Alcohol, drugs and sex create a temporary happy state,.to forget the reality.
Festivals of all sorts are an attempt to escape into the unreal world.


If some one is watching, I cannot do it. Most people do not bother; they can stand in a row and piss.

Once a party of close friends (my former colleagues) were walking along the road. One of them wanted to piss. He wondered aloud: where can I do it? Immediately his friend cupped his hands and offered. The fellow opened his pants’ zip and emptied a whole tumbler-ful.
Think of it; why does the penis swell when about to piss?
It is really a sight to watch elephants do it. Normally their organ is fully withdrawn inside the body. Nothing is visible outside. When the urge to piss is felt, it slowly comes out of hiding and shows its head, much like the head of a tortoise. Every second it grows and elongates until the the tip almost touches the ground. It is proportionately thick and we call it the fifth leg! It bends slightly backwards and is worth photographing!
Then the animal discharges a bucketful of smelly urine.
During pooram festival, all the fifteen animals do it at the same time.


Pigs, goats, etc. have more than one baby in the same birth. Many women have twins.

However, elephants are not known to do it One reason may be that the baby has to have a large quantity of milk for its elephantine growth.
So when Alka of the Orang National Park in Assam gave birth to two female babies on 16-12-2010, it created history. The mahaut (keeper of the elephant) kept vigil throughout the night, as tigers can eat the new born calves.


Muslims are allowed to have four wives. I need all the four,

One will do house keeping; Cooking, looking after the cows and hens, gardening etc.
One will take my dictation, publish my blog etc.
Yet another will accompany me always in my tour, carrying my bag etc.
The fourth will officiate if any of the others fall ill or take leave.
After the birth of the baby, my wife is rarely seen here. All the while, she is in the hospital!


Here it is pitch dark in the night.

Some night bird may make sounds which remind me about death. And darkness can create ghosts. Even the moonlight coming through the branches of trees induce illusions.
As a child of four, I was sleeping beside my Ma; when I suddenly woke in the night, I saw a man sitting on the branch of a tree, in a chair. I woke her up and told her.
Ma, now he is standing up. He has a pole in one hand. Now he is coming- I continued. I did not feel afraid.
She went and closed the window and held me, still in my bed, tightly in her arms.
Shortly afterwards, she gave birth to a dead baby.
Now, if such an apparition comes, here , as I am sleeping alone, I don’t know what will happen.
In the dark, ghosts make merry, but they are shy of light
So I keep lights on, all through the night.


There is a slight nip in the air at night, otherwise it is pleasantly cool.

People are very polite and obliging to tourists, whether they are foreigners or Indians. Food is cheap. Now, all sorts of dishes are available, including Chinese.
The whole country is green and from the sky it looks like a long stretch of forests. You can easily make a trip to Lakshadweep islands (literal meaning is 100000 islands! )There are no dogs there, most islands are small and uninhabited. Being so near, I have dreamed of going there, but touring is not included in our family budget! And we are supposed to be above poverty line. I have never been inside a ship.
The northern half of Keralam is mountainous. At Ezhimala (mala is hill), near Kannur, the mountain kisses the sea and is worth including in your itinerary. Ooty is the highest township and was the summer destination of Europeans.
The southern half has a chain of lakes and Munnar (three rivers) paradise in the mountains.
Keralam is full of temples and churches and mosques. At Kochi there is a synagogue, though there there are no Jews. The town can boast of an air port, train terminal and a harbour known as the Queen of the Arabian sea.
You are most welcome to be my guest.


Today our bus was held up due to traffic jam for about ten minutes, which was equivalent to half an hour in normal circumstances, because we are all in a hurry as soon as we are in any moving vehicle.

The reason for the traffic mess was road repairs. The vehicles have to navigate through a narrow strip, without any one to control traffic. Similar experience I had at Edappal, near Kuttipuram, where a culvert is under construction.
Inconvenience to passengers can be avoided if such repairs are carried out between 10 PM and 5 AM.
Only vehicles moving in one direction, may be allowed for three minutes at a time. Then the vehicles can run speedily, instead of inching forward, as it is now.
People do work in night shift in factories.
I hope the authorities will consider my suggestion.


In Keralam, the wind is blowing in favour of the Rightists, as shown by the Panchayath elections.

In the United States, Obama is finding it tough to lead the democrats to victory.
In Europe too the swing is unmistakable. The leftists are losing ground.
Why is it so?
One explanation is the comfortable life, the younger generation is accostumed to, as a result of globalisation. They do not care if their parents are losing jobs.
Normally, it is the students, who lead the movement of the left forces. At present they have plenty of opportunities for studies and comfortable placement after studies. They are satisfied.


Suicides are too common in Keralam to deserve any mention. However today’s item in the newspaper should be studied by sociologists, to examine remedial measures.

A young man and his wife took poison and ended their lives, but failed to kill the baby which survived. They were without work and used to borrow from different sources. Musclemen employed to collect dues, were threatening them. In the end this happened.
The poorer strata of society are always in need of money. Banks will not oblige them. People from Tamilnadu are on the look out, to spot such needy guys. They come to your door and give you ready cash. It is tempting to borrow from them; you get money on the spot!
My suggestion is that women’s group of volunteers must come forward to handle such matters. Recovery must start from the next day, daily in the case of wage earners, without waiting for the amount to accumulate.
Each village must have one such group.


If I build a house in a remote village, without electric connection or road, I have to obtain approval of the Panchayath who will study the plans and estimate. Why?

A toll is collected for building a bridge, which is a public utility. They go on taking money even after the cost is recovered. I hate all tolls for high ways and bridges and monuments and zoos. We can easily find money, if we cut defence expenses, a senseless waste of money, in any civilised society. Can we not avoid war?
My friend was publishing a magazine, which was discontinued for some years. Now he wants to resume publication. He is tired of answering to the queries raised by senseless bureaucrats. The formalities are so cumbersome that all are forced to give bribe to get things done.
I cannot cut a sandal wood tree in my own house because there is some rule forbidding it. Mafia cut these trees from the forest and make oil used in soaps
The list is endless.


I had never seen the Post Office

The Centre of the village is a cross roads.
The East-West road connects Poochunnipadam in the West and Chathakudam Sastha temple in the East The road cutting it, goes towards the Vaidyarathnam H.Q in the North and Sharikal Durga temple in the opposite direction. You can easily spot the State Bank of India, the Panchayath office, Community hall etc, but never the Post Office, which is still the life line of the villages surrounding it.
So, when I wanted to post a letter, I had to make enquiries.
At last, some guy took me to the Krishi Bhavan and the to a small room, where a lady was busily writing and a man who was collecting dak for distribution. I cold not believe it is the Post Office
I waited for some ten minutes before she finished her writing.
I want a envelop for sending a registered letter, I told her.
Not available, was the reply.
Ordinary envelop?
Again No.
My humble request to whoever may be, is that the Post Office be shifted to the main street in the Centre, where rooms are available.


The Supreme Court is the only functional arm of the Indian Sate. It asked the Central Bureau of Investigation to submit a report about spectrum G2 telecom. scandal, within five days. Indirectly, it is asking Manmohan Singh to wake up.

It reminded him that the CONTROLLER AND AUDITOR GENERAL is a highly respected constitutional authority whose report should carry weight and should not be thrown in waste paper basket, as our Prime Minister wanted to do. There is enough evidence in the report, to prosecute the former Minister Raja.
The Auditor General is doing audit, on behalf of the people. We have every right to know what he has reported.
It should be published as a document.


For the past some years, I have been affected by the familiar cataract. My daughters have been telling me about an operation, which is simple and easy, without hospitalisation. Somehow, I didn’t like to manipulate the body created by Him.

It became difficult to read the newspaper, even with spectacles.
As I was desperate to bring my blood sugar level down, I agreed to try an ayurvedic preparation, patented by Vaidyaratnam Ousadhasalala.
Thee was considerable improvement, I still have not had total success.
When my blood sugar came down, I noticed that I could read the small print of newspapers. So now I am trying another patented drug of the same institution for cataract.
I shall share with my viewers, as soon as I get cured.


For the past some years, I have been affected by the familiar cataract. My daughters have been telling me about an operation, which is simple and easy, without hospitalisation. Somehow, I didn’t like to manipulate the body created by Him.

It became difficult to read the newspaper, even with spectacles.
As I was desperate to bring my blood sugar level down, I agreed to try an ayurvedic preparation, patented by Vaidyaratnam Ousadhasalala.
Thee was considerable improvement, I still have not had total success.
When my blood sugar came down, I noticed that I could read the small print of newspapers. So now I am trying another patented drug of the same institution for cataract.
I shall share with my viewers, as soon as I get cured.


Unexpectedly, there was rain in the morning.

The sky is cloudy, but by evening, the Moon shone in the clear sky. There was no difficulty in internet connection and I could do my work comfortably. 


In the capitalist system, true frienship is a casualty.

One reason is that people have to move, necessarily in search of better prospects. Neighbours do not know each other.
In the good old feudal system, all things are settled in advance. You know your future. Just follow the trade of your father. The only change is for girls when they get married. This is done early and you can develop new friends in the husband’s house.
Friendship is free and undemanding. There are no inhibitions; you can talk about even your secrets which you dare not speak out to your spouse or even parents.
If you can develop friendship with your spouse, it is something blissful.
Proper understanding and sympathy are the corner stones of true friendship. As Mark Twane said, if you do a good thing all will support you; he who supports you, even when you are wrong, is a true friend.


Questions over business deals of UN climate change guru Dr Rajendra Pachauri

The head of the UN’s climate change panel – Dr Rajendra Pachauri – is accused of making a fortune from his links with ‘carbon trading’ companies, Christopher Booker and Richard North write.

Published: 8:30AM GMT 20 Dec 2009

The head of the UN’s climate change panel – Dr Rajendra Pachauri – is accused of making a fortune from his links with ‘carbon trading’ companies. Photo: EPA No one in the world exercised more influence on the events leading up to the Copenhagen conference on global warming than Dr Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and mastermind of its latest report in 2007.
Although Dr Pachauri is often presented as a scientist (he was even once described by the BBC as “the world’s top climate scientist”), as a former railway engineer with a PhD in economics he has no qualifications in climate science at all.

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What has also almost entirely escaped attention, however, is how Dr Pachauri has established an astonishing worldwide portfolio of business interests with bodies which have been investing billions of dollars in organisations dependent on the IPCC’s policy recommendations.
These outfits include banks, oil and energy companies and investment funds heavily involved in ‘carbon trading’ and ‘sustainable technologies’, which together make up the fastest-growing commodity market in the world, estimated soon to be worth trillions of dollars a year.
Today, in addition to his role as chairman of the IPCC, Dr Pachauri occupies more than a score of such posts, acting as director or adviser to many of the bodies which play a leading role in what has become known as the international ‘climate industry’.
It is remarkable how only very recently has the staggering scale of Dr Pachauri’s links to so many of these concerns come to light, inevitably raising questions as to how the world’s leading ‘climate official’ can also be personally involved in so many organisations which stand to benefit from the IPCC’s recommendations.
The issue of Dr Pachauri’s potential conflict of interest was first publicly raised last Tuesday when, after giving a lecture at Copenhagen University, he was handed a letter by two eminent ‘climate sceptics’. One was the Stephen Fielding, the Australian Senator who sparked the revolt which recently led to the defeat of his government’s ‘cap and trade scheme’. The other, from Britain, was Lord Monckton, a longtime critic of the IPCC’s science, who has recently played a key part in stiffening opposition to a cap and trade bill in the US Senate.
Their open letter first challenged the scientific honesty of a graph prominently used in the IPCC’s 2007 report, and shown again by Pachauri in his lecture, demanding that he should withdraw it. But they went on to question why the report had not declared Pachauri’s personal interest in so many organisations which seemingly stood to profit from its findings.
The letter, which included information first disclosed in last week’s Sunday Telegraph, was circulated to all the 192 national conference delegations, calling on them to dismiss Dr Pachauri as IPCC chairman because of recent revelations of his conflicting interests.
The original power base from which Dr Pachauri has built up his worldwide network of influence over the past decade is the Delhi-based Tata Energy Research Institute, of which he became director in 1981 and director-general in 2001. Now renamed The Energy Research Institute, TERI was set up in 1974 by India’s largest privately-owned business empire, the Tata Group, with interests ranging from steel, cars and energy to chemicals, telecommunications and insurance (and now best-known in the UK as the owner of Jaguar, Land Rover, Tetley Tea and Corus, Britain’s largest steel company).
Although TERI has extended its sponsorship since the name change, the two concerns are still closely linked.
In India, Tata exercises enormous political power, shown not least in the way that when it expressed its interests in developing land in the eastern states of Orissa and Jarkhand, it led to the Indian government displacing hundreds of thousands of poor tribal villagers to make way for large-scale iron mining and steelmaking projects.
Initially, when Dr Pachauri took over the running of TERI in the 1980s, his interests centred on the oil and coal industries, which may now seem odd for a man who has since become best known for his opposition to fossil fuels. He was, for instance, a director until 2003 of India Oil, the country’s largest commercial enterprise, and until this year remained as a director of the National Thermal Power Generating Corporation, its largest electricity producer.
In 2005, he set up GloriOil, a Texas firm specialising in technology which allows the last remaining reserves to be extracted from oilfields otherwise at the end of their useful life.
However, since Pachauri became a vice-chairman of the IPCC in 1997, TERI has vastly expanded its interest in every kind of renewable or sustainable technology, in many of which the various divisions of the Tata Group have also become heavily involved, such as its project to invest $1.5 billion (£930 million) in vast wind farms.
Dr Pachauri’s TERI empire has also extended worldwide, with branches in the US, the EU and several countries in Asia. TERI Europe, based in London, of which he is a trustee (along with Sir John Houghton, one of the key players in the early days of the IPCC and formerly head of the UK Met Office) is currently running a project on bio-energy, financed by the EU.
Another project, co-financed by our own Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the German insurance firm Munich Re, is studying how India’s insurance industry, including Tata, can benefit from exploiting the supposed risks of exposure to climate change. Quite why Defra and UK taxpayers should fund a project to increase the profits of Indian insurance firms is not explained.
Even odder is the role of TERI’s Washington-based North American offshoot, a non-profit organisation, of which Dr Pachauri is president. Conveniently sited on Pennsylvania Avenue, midway between the White House and the Capitol, this body unashamedly sets out its stall as a lobbying organisation, to “sensitise decision-makers in North America to developing countries’ concerns about energy and the environment”.
TERI-NA is funded by a galaxy of official and corporate sponsors, including four branches of the UN bureaucracy; four US government agencies; oil giants such as Amoco; two of the leading US defence contractors; Monsanto, the world’s largest GM producer; the WWF (the environmentalist campaigning group which derives much of its own funding from the EU) and two world leaders in the international ‘carbon market’, between them managing more than $1 trillion (£620 billion) worth of assets.
All of this is doubtless useful to the interests of Tata back in India, which is heavily involved not just in bio-energy, renewables and insurance but also in ‘carbon trading’, the worldwide market in buying and selling the right to emit CO2. Much of this is administered at a profit by the UN under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) set up under the Kyoto Protocol, which the Copenhagen treaty was designed to replace with an even more lucrative successor.
Under the CDM, firms and consumers in the developed world pay for the right to exceed their ‘carbon limits’ by buying certificates from those firms in countries such as India and China which rack up ‘carbon credits’ for every renewable energy source they develop – or by showing that they have in some way reduced their own ‘carbon emissions’.
It is one of these deals, reported in last week’s Sunday Telegraph, which is enabling Tata to “mothball” nearly three million tonnes of steel production at its Corus plant in Redcar, while opening a new plant in Orissa with a similar scale of production, gaining in the process a potential £1.2 billion in ‘carbon credits’ (while putting 1,700 people on Teesside out of work).
More than three-quarters of the world ‘carbon’ market benefits India and China in this way. India alone has 1,455 CDM projects in operation, worth $33 billion (£20 billion), many of them facilitated by Tata – and it is perhaps unsurprising that Dr Pachauri also serves on the advisory board of the Chicago Climate Exchange, the largest and most lucrative carbon-trading exchange in the world, which was also assisted by TERI in setting up India’s own carbon exchange.
But this is peanuts compared to the numerous other posts to which Dr Pachauri has been appointed in the years since the UN chose him to become the world’s top ‘climate-change official’.
In 2007, for instance, he was appointed to the advisory board of Siderian, a San Francisco-based venture capital firm specialising in ‘sustainable technologies’, where he was expected to provide the Fund with ‘access, standing and industrial exposure at the highest level’,
In 2008 he was made an adviser on renewable and sustainable energy to the Credit Suisse bank and the Rockefeller Foundation. He joined the board of the Nordic Glitnir Bank, as it launched its Sustainable Future Fund, looking to raise funding of £4 billion. He became chairman of the Indochina Sustainable Infrastructure Fund, whose CEO was confident it could soon raise £100 billion.
In the same year he became a director of the International Risk Governance Council in Geneva, set up by EDF and E.On, two of Europe’s largest electricity firms, to promote ‘bio-energy’. This year Dr Pachauri joined the New York investment fund Pegasus as a ‘strategic adviser’, and was made chairman of the advisory board to the Asian Development Bank, strongly supportive of CDM trading, whose CEO warned that failure to agree a treaty at Copenhagen would lead to a collapse of the carbon market.
The list of posts now held by Dr Pachauri as a result of his new-found world status goes on and on. He has become head of Yale University’s Climate and Energy Institute, which enjoys millions of dollars of US state and corporate funding. He is on the climate change advisory board of Deutsche Bank. He is Director of the Japanese Institute for Global Environmental Strategies and was until recently an adviser to Toyota Motors. Recalling his origins as a railway engineer, he is even a policy adviser to SNCF, France’s state-owned railway company.
Meanwhile, back home in India, he serves on an array of influential government bodies, including the Economic Advisory Committee to the prime minister, holds various academic posts and has somehow found time in his busy life to publish 22 books.
Dr Pachauri never shrinks from giving the world frank advice on all matters relating to the menace of global warming. The latest edition of TERI News quotes him as telling the US Environmental Protection Agency that it must go ahead with regulating US carbon emissions without waiting for Congress to pass its cap and trade bill.
It reports how, in the days before Copenhagen, he called on the developing nations which had been historically responsible for the global warming crisis to make ‘concrete commitments’ to aiding developing countries such as India with funding and technology – while insisting that India could not agree to binding emissions targets. India, he said, must bargain for large-scale subsidies from the West for developing solar power, and Western funds must be made available for geo-engineering projects to suck CO2 out of the atmosphere.
As a vegetarian Hindu, Dr Pachauri repeated his call for the world to eat less meat to cut down on methane emissions (as usual he made no mention of what was to be done about India’s 400 million sacred cows). He further called for a ban on serving ice in restaurants and for meters to be fitted to all hotel rooms, so that guests could be charged a carbon tax on their use of heating and air-conditioning.
One subject the talkative Dr Pachauri remains silent on, however, is how much money he is paid for all these important posts, which must run into millions of dollars. Not one of the bodies for which he works publishes his salary or fees, and this notably includes the UN, which refuses to reveal how much we all pay him as one of its most senior officials.
As for TERI itself, Dr Pachauri’s main job for nearly 30 years, it is so coy about money that it does not even publish its accounts – the financial statement amounts to two income and expenditure pie charts which contain no detailed figures.
Dr Pachauri is equally coy about TERI’s links with Tata, the company which set it up in the 1970s and whose name it continued to bear until 2002, when it was changed to just The Energy Research Institute. A spokesman at the time said ‘we have not severed our past relationship with the Tatas, the change is only for convenience’.
But the real question mark over TERI’s director-general remains over the relationship between his highly lucrative commercial jobs and his role as chairman of the IPCC.
TERI have, for example, become a preferred bidder for Kuwaiti contracts to clean up the mess left by Saddam Hussein in their oilfields in 1991. The $3 billion (£1.9 billion) cost of the contracts has been provided by the UN. If successful, this would be tenth time TERI have benefited from a contract financed by the UN.
Certainly no one values the services of TERI more than the EU, which has included Dr Pachauri’s institute as a partner in no fewer than 12 projects designed to assist in devising the EU’s policies on mitigating the effects of the global warming predicted by the IPCC.
But whether those 1,700 Corus workers on Teesside that will be losing their jobs next month will be quite as excited about the international ‘carbon market’ as Dr Pachauri, is quite another matter.


A Russian scientist reported in 1996 that the glaciers could melt significantly by 2350. This year was changed to 2035 in the IPCC report, according to Grahman Cogley, a professor of Ontario Trent University.

Pachauri now admits that the error was brought to his notice in December 2009 itself, but he was too busy to read it.
You can draw your own  conclusions.
All glaciers are above the snow line.
This means that the temperature at such heights never rise above zero degree. So how can the changes in the glacier contours be attributed to global warming?
Travellers have recorded hot springs right at the mouth of a Himalayan glacier, which means that the heat is coming from the interior of the earth. The whole area is full of hot springs . Those at Gaurikund, Yamunotry and Badrinath are familiar to pilgrims.
Blind assumptions are unacceptable in scientific studies.


My wife had three brothers, or four, to be exact.

Krishnan, her anujan (younger brother) died early, while still a brahmachary (ovinichunni), at the age of seven or so. It was a big shock to her.
Her immediate ettan (elder brother) named Vasudevan was dull in studies and left school after a few years. He was at home and the two, brother and sister, were very close to each other.
He used to do pooja at the family temple of Narasimhamoorthy. The naivedyam (cooked rice has to be prepared in the kitchen, after taking bath in the family pond, without changing the wet cloths, and then carry it to the temple sanctum).
So he would keep it there and tell the deity in pure Malayalam (normally all mantras are said in Samskrutham): I have taken all this trouble; eat, if you like.
And he would come out and smoke his beedi. He would make something or other for the sister to eat. Hcooked food well.
Both, brother and sister, were married on the same day.
He was always doing something or other for getting money, like selling paddy or trees etc.
Soon it was decided to divide property between brothers.
He accepted a rice fields and nearby plot with a mud house, a little away frm the main campus.
He was a good farmer and hard worker. It was a pleasure to meet the family. Sitting in the front veranda, facing the fields and the cool breeze, coming from the Bharathapuzha, we enjoyed simple refreshments of small plantains, or tender coconut water or banana chips in the season.
He got work in an ayurvedic pharmacy making drugs and was well settled.
When He wants to destroy a person, He makes him mad. This simple man started pilfering medicines and was caught. Soomehow he got pardon through the efforts of a lawyer, Parakunnath Narayanan Namboodiri, my mousi’s husband who was very influential and equally humanitarian.
When they became financially better, his son now working in a school (all youngsters in muthukurssi mana are teachers, they can run their own school), his wife decided to build a terrace house. This was opposed by the farmer husband.
One day Vasudevan came to see us at CS puram gramam. The brother and sister were very happy and went on talking incessantly as if they are still children. He stayed there for two days and went away happy.

Soon we were informed that he hanged himself in the old mud house, from where he never shifted to the terrace building.


Narasu was three years senior in our school.

His sister Devi was in my class. I liked her. She was very simple without any make up. Her fragrance was a peculiar mix of sandal, tulsi and herbal hair oil, which I liked.
I am half Hindu and half Christian. I have a slight preference for my Hindu Papa, with whom I used to go to temples. I have a necklace with Guruvayoorappan locket on one side and a cross on the opposite end, the cross end in front, when I invariably went to the church on Sundays with my dear Ma, wearing frocks which I like very much.
When we were in the seventh standard, I accompanied Devi to her home, some distance away from the main road. When we reached the front court yard, swept clean and very spacious with a tulsi plant in the centre, well protected with a cement concrete enclosure, I was surprised to hear the mellow musical sounds coming from a veena, rarely heard these days. I hesitated to disturb it by my crude intrusion, but Devi said it was all right and we came in.
It was Narasu. He went on playing the instrument as if I never existed. It hurt my ego, as I was very popular with the boys.
I was offered sweets made of rice flour, jaggery and pure cow’s ghee. It was grand and I went on eating with relish, forgetting Ma’s instructions to be circumspect in the presence of strangers. Devi and her mother encouraged me to eat more and more.
Afterwards, we came and sat in the front room, where Narasu was practicing. When he finished, Devi introduced me.
You are the daughter of Krishna Kanth, isn’t it?
I noticed you the day you joined our school. Where were you before?
I was in Delhi.
We talked for some time and I came away in my scooty.
Narasu was hardly my height, slender and unconspicuous. He was above average in studies and preferred to remain aloof. So Iused to meet and talk to him in his home. He had a collection of detective novels which I liked to read. Devi told me he writes poems, but he never allows her to enter his room.
Gradually, our friendship matured. Sometimes the three of us would go for a movie in the town . I liked English movies, but did not mind seeing Malayalam films which Devi liked.
When Narasu left for higher studies, I felt a sudden loss.
When we were in the ninth class, Devi became ill.
It was just a fever, but it refused to go away. So I brought a physician who diagnosed it as typhoid.
Her father was a poojary in a far away temple. I have never seen him. “If he takes leave Bhagavan will starve”, said Devi.
So I became her brother as well.
During illness, I shifted to their house with all my baggage. I had to take her temperature, give medicines and do other nursing, like changing the sheets without disturbing the patient etc. which I learned from my books.
One night I heard a terrified sound from the kitchen. When I rushed there, I found Maji pointing towards the corner where faggots had been stocked for burning the hearth.
I saw a cobra, with its fangs fully spread, surveying the whole scene, for possible attack from any source.
I quietly went and detached the brass vessel, used for drawing water from the open well. Then I brought it near the snake, showing the mouth of the vessel and waited patiently. When it was fully satisfied, it entered the dark inside of the vessel, which I carried outside and deposited on the ground outside. That night I slept in Maji’s room.
Even after Devi fully recoverd, I continued my stay there, as my Papa had become a State Minister and shifted to the capital.
I used to talk almost daily to Narasu. We had become so attached to each other that Devi even talked about our marriage.
“You are too innocent; do you know whether he loves me?” , I asked.
She was sure of that.
I loved him in an etherial way, if I may put it that way, like a beatiful sun set or a mountain landscape. I do not want to do anything which may disturb his composure. I have no objection to some other girl marrying him, who can look after him and his children.
I very well knew, such an orthodox family will not accept a half Hindu like me. My Papa’s experience still persicutes me.
There was no secret between myself and my Papa. He knew all about my friendship with Narasu. At heart he liked the idea. He confidentially consulted an astrologer, who after consuting our horoscopes, said I will die if I married him.
After passing tenth, I went back to Delhi where Ma’s family stayed.
Most of our people are engaged in nursing, mostly from middle class families. I had no financial worries; yet I decided to join this group, because I liked to serve people who are suffering.
Time passed into months and then years. Devi was married and then Narasu. I didn’t have much contact with them as I was fully engaged in my day- to -day work. On Sundays I attended churh conclave.
One fine morning Narasu came. I was not excited when I saw him. It all seemed like a story from children’s books.
He seemed prematurely old. His hair had white streaks. His eyes which were lively and searching, has become deadened like an old man’s. It was shocking.
He had a brief married life, resulting in three kids when he became a widower. He had come to Delhi to attend a conference of medicos. He had some difficulty in locating me, he said.
Involuntarily, I moved closer to him and held his hands in mine. I said: it seems His will, that we must unite- Doctor and Nurse.


Once upon a time, Muthukurssi mana was a very wealthy family, owning the whole land between the Bharathapuzha river and the railway yard. The home was at the site of the presnt loco shed.

 There was an elephant, a symbal of affluence then. And now also the new rich are crazy about the elephants
 When the South Indian Railwy, a private company owned by British people, bought it, the building was dismantled and reconstructed at the present site. The hill, earlier known as Muthukurssi hill, became railway property and they built quarters there. Now it is Ganeshgiri.
The bungalow at the top was prominent in the film Julie, which was shot there.
My wife’s grandfather’s younger brother was adopted by Mundanat  Mana family and he managed to transfer the wealth to his new home;  something like that happened.
 My father-inn-law had seen the worst days, doing pooja in different temples, including the famous Ambalapuzha Krishna temple.
His one sister, who was married very late, shared the brunt of poverty. She is still alive and very cheerful, now living with her son Kollumuttathu Narayanan, at Manisseri.
My wife was put in a convent school at Shoranur. She will return home, crossing the rail line, take bath in the pond and then only have something to eat. On Mondays, she will go to Mahadevamangalam, on the bank of the river, for prayer to get a good husband and return home, almost running, before taking food.
She had seen family bickerings, almost all the time between uncles and her father; so fed up was she, that it was her wish to be a nun !
Her step sister, by father’s second wife, only fifteen years her senior, was married off to Puliyannur mana, tantry at Shreekrishna temple at Tripunithura (Poornathrayeesan). Then her father began trying for a namboodiri for her also.
Santa, my cousin, was already there, having married Sankaranarayanan. She suggested my name.
She was hardly eighteen, too innocent to think of marriege, when a cruel fate and a society that allows no freedom to a girl child, threw her into my hands.
Her father was a workaholic. He spends his time plucking flowers for pooja, collecting areca nuts and coconuts in the big orchard or  cutting grass that grow too fast. One day he fell into a well and had to shout for help, as no one was around.
As soon as the rainy season arrives, he will go out with a spade in hand,digging here and there, and sowing or planting vegetables like colocasia, brinjal, ladies’ finger and, of course, tapyoka. Santa says, in those days they never bought anything from the market, a mile away at Shoranur. My wife inherited this quality from him. Even today, her dream is to have some land and grow vegetables.
Her father got infection from the slush. Worms began  coming out of the foot. He was admitted in Valluvanad Hospital, where they, thoughtlessly, injected large dozes of antibiotics. He was nearing ninety and I think medicines killed him. His system was quite sound and healthy. No one will die of foot sore.
When they were rich, father-in law married from Tekkedath Patteri mana, a wealthy family, whose ancestors belonged to Vadakkancherry area in Cochin State.
It is said that they helped the Raja of Travancore, in conqering the Kingdom of Alapuzha; in return, they were given property in Kodamalur.
Mother-in-law named Parvathy had gold ornaments. Among us namboodiries, women folk did not wear gold ornaments. They wore bronze necklaces and bangles.
This created tensions between our branch and the rest of the Muthurssi clan.
 Mother-in- law remained for long periods in her home and shorter periods at Guruvayoor, where Radha, my wife accopanied her, before her marriage.
 My first visit to that famous shrine was immediately after marriage.
It was very quiet then and we made several rounds (pradakshinam), every time standing before the deity and praying. I don’t remember what were my prayers. My world was my wife. She being so near, what else do I need?
Our annual pilgrimage to Guruvayoor continued till I retired. Radha’s sister Parvathy and step sister Nalini who were  in their teenns at the time of my marriage, always accompanied us.During our last visit in 2007 or so, I was so disgusted and tired, standing in the que and then pushed off as soon as I came in front of the sanctum, that I decided to  stop this meaningless suffering.