Tuesday, 29 September 2015


DEATH BY DROWNING During the rainy season, a number of people get drowned in the rivers. Death due to floods is another matter. When children die, their guardians are responsible. A two year old baby fell into a bucket of water, in the court of the house and died. Grown up people die in Bharathapuzha every year. They may have enjoyed drinks, before entering the water. (I had a dream of Leena, two years old, going into the river here and I was helpless. I watched her, helpless) Some years back, I was watching the TV. A car, is in the middle of the bridge. Water level is very high, almost touching the girders of the bridge. On either side, people were watching helplessly. Some of those in the car, came out and stood there. The water level rose by seconds and in the end, the car and its passengers were washed away. It was mentioned by the reporter of the TV, that people had advised them not to cross the river, but they ignored it! One thing must be mentioned. Teaching children in schools, how to swim, must be compulsory. Mopla boys learn swimming, even at the age of three! Swimming is a good exercise and can fetch medals in games.

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