Tuesday, 29 September 2015


CASTE CHARACTERISTICS In Keralam, people are divided among a number o castes and sub-castes. Each one a watertight compartment. At the top level are the Namboodiris. They had their own dress, simplicity and honesty being their characteristics. They comes Wariars. They are highly intelligent and hard working. They are a hybrid of Namoodiris and Wariar women. This may explain there brain power. In other things, they retain Namboodiri’s simplicity. Diwan Sankara Wariar is famous in history of the Cochin State. I is said that, when he took charge, there was only twenty five paise (four annas) in the treasury. He tightened the machinery, added new taxes and increased the State income considerably. The Kings were simple men, sons of Namboodiris. The third group are the Nairs, traditional fighters of the army. Physically they are powerful and die fighting or the King. The widows marry Namboodiris. Only the eldest Namboodiri can marry from their own caste. The rest do not marry. They can have sexual alliance with other upper csteas. Women among their caste do menial work like house maids of upper caste families. Then comes Eezhuvas, who are lower in caste system, followers of Sreenarayana Guru. Now they wield power in politics, very rich by liquor trade. They are the back bone of the Communist movement in Keralam. The rest are scheduled caste, doing paddy cultivation of rich zamindars.(bhoovudamakal)

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