Tuesday, 29 September 2015


MASS CONVERSION OF CHRISTIANS INTO HINDUS I the Southern districts of Keralam, the Viswa Hidu Parishath organized a function, in which, thirty family members of Christian were converted into Hindu religion, their original religion. The function was organized in a temple and the TV media were busy discussing the issue. There are reports of similar conversions in he North too. It seems an issue much more appealing than Ram Janma Bhoomy temple, to the BJP, which likes to reap maximum mileage out of it, with an eye on elections. There is nothing to worry, if you look at it from a historic perspective, because, conversion to Christianity is the aim of all missionaries.. Normally they approach tribals, who have no religion. So it is not conversion, but only enlistment. According to historians, Cheraman Perumal, who was the king of Keralam, accepted Islammm and went to Macka,; on the way he died. In my childhood, a Muslim accepted Hindu religion, in Malabar where they dominate, but was brutally murdered by fanatics. The case was ultimately, dropped by the Madras High Court {Malabar was under direct British rule then}. It was rumored that they paid Rs. One lakh at that time!

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