Sunday, 10 May 2015


Marry “Mother, I want to marry.” “What nonsense? You are just a boy. Wait till your sister is married off.” “She is only fifteen. I cannot wait any more. I have a good job. I am tired of cooking food every day. Sometimes I am late ; my boss is strict about punctuality. I have been warned.” One day, I was standing in the line for a darshan of God. A small boy , carried by its mother standing close to me, caught my hand . When I turned, it kissed my hand and smiled gracefully. “Do not disturb he gentleman ,” scolded the mother. I turned to her. She is quite young and graceful, though a bit dark. We smiled at each other. Once the prayers were over, I followed her automatically and we began talking:”Are you alone? Where is your husband?” She suggested going to a restaurant. I too was hungry. There we ordered masal dosa and milk for the boy, who insisted on sitting in my lap. Instead of replying to my queries, she asked:”Where are you staying? Do you come here odften?” “I stay near the Eastern Gopuram as I am working in the Bank. Our home is near Vadakancherry. And You?” She hesitated for some reason. I gave Guruvayoorappan locket to the boy. He began crying when she departed. Somehow I could not forget the lady, but I did not even know her name. Another day she came to the Bank , to withdraw money. Before departure, she told me:”Give me your address and phone number. I like to meet you on a Sunday.” I was overjoyed . Her name is Deepthy. I began waiting impatiently on Sunday. I tried to tidy up the room to make an impression on her. I hoped her husband will not come. Why? She came in an auto. It was about eleven. Her child was not with her. “Are you alone? Where is your wife?” “My mother says I am too young to marry.” She smiled and went straight to the kitchen. “Show me where you have kept the things I shall make tea and then food.” All the while, she worked and I listened to her talk. She married the wrong person, according to her. He is cruel and insensitive. “I suffered for the sake of our child. Now it is all over, thank God. I divorced him.” I could not believe my ears. In the evening we went to a movie; then went to her home. It seems she had told about me. Her mother, very fair and handsome, welcomed me as a friend. It was a small flat . In the night, I slept in her bed room and she with her mother. The boy insisted on sleeping with me. The next morning she made my lunch and packed it in plantain leaf. She phoned:”How is the food?” “It is sweeter as you have made it. Am I lucky to have it every day?” “Why not ? Stay with us .” Thus began our life together. Instinctively, I did not speak a word to my mother. On a Sunday, when I went home, father showed me an anonymous letter, about my relations with Deepthy. I guessed that it must be the work of her ex-husband. “I am staying, as paying guest, with that family. I pay thousand rupees to them . Her husband has left her . Is it wrong?” “No ; we have fixed up your marriage with this girl.” He showed a photo , not bad to look at. “Let me see her.”So we went there the next Sunday. They are ready to give good dowry. It is a big family . She is the fifth child. We did not commit and I came back to Deepthy. I told her the developments in my case . I showed the letter also. Her first reaction was:”It seems to be a good proposal. “You do not love me?” “I am older than you. Your infatuation will evaporate in due course. We will love each other, as now. Think coolly.” As my consent was not received, the marriage proposal brought by my father was ignored by the girl’s party and her marriage took place, my father informed me. I told Deepthy and she did not say anything. I got perturbed:”Tell me, do you really love me, as I love you? Did Radha not love Krishna, much below in age? Love is inexplicable. “ I pulled her into my lap and took her lower lip in my mouth and sucked the honey. She melted like butter and kissed all over my face and body… After registering our marriage, we sent the papers to my father.

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